End of Life Care Doula Training

Advanced Diploma

Training Dates

This can be started and run in your own time and with support of your training director.


Advanced Diploma

This is ITOL accredited at £999.00 if booked within 18 months  of completing your  diploma . 

End of Life Care Doula Logo

Advanced Diploma

Doula Training

iTOL Logo
Wales Prestige Awards

This is primarily about demonstrating progress and is a combination of e-learning 1:1 supervision, group participation zoom seminars, if appropriate and individual zoom seminars which facilitate your own study whilst being home based.

This is ITOL accredited at £850.00 if booked within 18 months  of completing your  diploma. Normal price is £1200.00. This includes FELDA.org annual subscription for 1st year.

It will include:

Clinical Supervision:

  • Monthly supervision sessions where you can confidently, and confidentiality discuss your cases
  • Review of your business plan
  • Continuation of supervision at a reduced contact rate of £35.00 / hour for subsequent years


  • Access to e learning courses related to your doula care work.


  • Support and constructive feedback on a minimum of 5 case studies (more may be required) assessed through case study reflections.
  • Of practise hours (min of 40 hrs)
  • Constructive feedback on Evidence of Continued learning through exploration and experiential learning
  • Testimonials


  • Question and answers
  • Practising Doula Register on FELDA
  • Reduction on other healing energy teaching (based in Wales-optional)
  • Annual conference attendance